Kalamari - Dance To My Pain (EP)

I usually don't pay any mind whenever I get tagged in a release since I would rather receive it in an email. Still, Kalamari caught me on a good day recently when he mentioned us in his latest EP release titled "Dance To My Pain," where the song’s title and the fact I was unaware of his content intrigued me enough to give it a chance where I was impressed and from there my curiosity grew to have the project become in rotation for my week and safe to say will continue to do so for much longer than that.

Unfiltered with the ability to be humorous and severe simultaneously, Kalamari locks in with an energetic attitude in the intro, "Trauma Olympics." He introduces his eccentric characteristics right out the gate and doesn't let off the pressure to expel more of his wit with the listeners. It's rhyming with a purpose and a way to step out of the typical element of rapping; Kalamari creates a style of one with his capabilities to swing for the fences and take out anything that moves in between. He has the right tempo for a few love songs in his repertoire like "Passenger Princess" & "Prom At The Bando”. Again with the outlandish title of each of the tracks, it seals the deal to what kind of artist you're getting involved with when it plays in your surrounding. A romantic jester who says what he means and his heart comes with laughter which is an unresistable trait, he croons through joint after joint showing his fun side and comical nature to bring excitement to the music. You can't ever say there was a dull moment throughout the EP; he keeps your attention, and when you think he peaked his sound, he surprises you with a bit more jolt in the listening experience.

Not bad from a surprise submission; I'm excited to see where his career goes from here won't say this is the last time we come across him. I'm actually anticipating seeing the next release. Be sure to get familiar with Kalamair here and share it around on all social media avenues,