Qwest - Introverted (Video)

When he’s not working on curating events, performing, or working the grindstone for his own media outlet,210 Music Plug, Qwest is doing what he enjoys, and that’s applying pressure with the raps and here in his latest release, he doesn’t sweat out the negative opinions of others but instead lives in the moment to make another night memorable.

Qwesr is vibing the function on his latest visual to his fan-favorite record “Introverted” from his December album “Growing Pains.” Captured in the cut with some familiar faces in the SA music scene, Qwest is draped in a Lil Elephant tee explaining his nighttime festivities with his people in his surroundings. The cadence of his space is his to roam freely in; he expresses his mood, reminiscing of better days and what came from the challenging experiences to being in a better position now. The video is directed by Kennywiththeshots who freezes the moments for Qwest to free his mind at night for the viewing, it has him in the forefronts of a celebratory gathering where smiles and laughter surround him, and still, he looks for positivity when the past feeling comes up; however, the night can’t be wasted so he turns up with the alcohol burying him for the time being.

You never know what’s next with Qwest; for all we know, he’s working on a bbq cook-off in the summer or setting up an ice rink for the winter; safe to say he stays working and doesn’t let up off the gas in any of his endeavors. Support him in the many traits he excels including this music shit, by sharing his latest release through social media avenues.