Tylynn - One of One (EP)

Nebraska’s own Tylynn is back to set the record straight that she’s “One of One”. This ain’t the softer side of her you heard on last months heartfelt “Journaling In Winter”, though she does a little crooning here & there, it’s more so a showcase of her skills overall, especially as a lyricist. They just wanna choose her it seems, for a multitude of reasons but she don’t need the validation of those running the circus show. She’s steadily been pushing out that dope content for a minute now & feels like, they choose her to call out because they’re too scared that she’s coming to take their imaginary spot when really she could be helping them do as she’s done for herself. She’s aware of how aggravating it must be for the losers to see you consistently winning but will be damned if she allows the loud mouths to silence her reign.

“It Didn’t Take Long” after attaining a certain level of status & success for people to change up on her, seemingly out of the blue enough to blindside her but it comes with the territory unfortunately. Here we get some more of that R&B flavor we heard on the previous EP but what’s great about this one is that, you can both apply to your romantic relationships or friendships overall cause it’s usually the people closest to you who don’t take very long before they reveal their true colors of intent. It’s heartbreaking to say the least but Tylynn soldiers on. On the title track, she’s back to popping her shit, exhibiting a brief little flexercise in lyrical acrobatics for those of us who admire the craft as much as she does & you can also turn up to it, which is a plus. 

“Everybody with me straight, that’s just one thing I know.” Anybody in her life who’s displayed any sense of crookedness, immediately got cut out like the deadwood that they are. All the naysaying nonsense, whether that be criticisms on her character, assumptions, jealousy, you name it, she’s simply “Coo On That”. If that’s how you wish to move forward then by all means but don’t expect her to allow you back in her circumference, you been ruined that. The R&B is back in full effect on “One Place” as she lets her past lover down easy, letting them know they can no longer rely on her to save them as she can’t stick around in the same place forever in hopes that they can change. She wouldn’t be able to “Pop Like This” if she were to make such a compromising decision. At some point, you really gotta do for yourself & allow the blessings to find you.
