Reek, Sage, Eastside Fish - 3Peat (EP)

The Tree Team is already well on their way to achieving that champion status with this next season of theirs. After the success of “Everybody Love Fish”, the gang refuses to let up, now blessing us with the third installment to their “3Peat” series. They begin this 3 record EP by addressing the elephant in the room. One thing I really appreciate about them is that they stay away from the internet shit, if it’s any animosity aimed towards them, they gonna put it in the music but you can hear the disappointment in their words, as well as the anger & annoyance as I’m sure they were blindsided by how things wound up. Even with as laid back as the record is, we ain’t really heard Fish or Reek this pissed before but still they calmly attack the beat, I wouldn’t even call it a warning shot just more so them being blunt about the situation. Things work out how they’re supposed to I suppose but it’s still a bitter farewell to what could’ve been. Take notes people, that entitled shit is gonna get you nowhere but stagnant. Niko & Levi add the melodies to this number to give it that levity due to the strong subject matter. You’ll be vibing to some real spill.

“Shake It 4 Me” is like a more chilled out version of “Bounce”. Honestly, who doesn’t love a nice ass? As Fish says, pretend the crib is a strip club, I’ve noticed a lot more women got the pole installed in their homes anyway. There’s something far more intimate about that anyway. If they only fancy you then what’s the point in blowing their cash on all these other bitches? All the creeps who don’t have an ounce of player within them should probably sit this one out. As I always expect, there is usually that one piece of production from the almighty Sage that hits me right in my soul with every release. Records like “Lmk” find Sage in his R&B/Soul bag, with Reek’s silky smooth crooning accompanied by Levi on the background vocals, Fish & Reek expressing their respect for the women in their lives who been holding them down, especially with how hectic this life they lead can get. It’s another standout & instant classic in their catalog. 

You know it’s always a celebration when we get new music from the Tree Team. These guys are light years ahead of most both musically & lyrically & they continue to prove that with every consistent release. You can guarantee that you’ll always have something to gravitate towards whenever they drop & this is only the 1st month! I sense the Tree Team truly taking over the rest of the year, they already showing zero signs of letting up.