Nakaki - Symptoms (Album)

If you’ve been around the San Antonio music scene, then you’ve no doubt come across the undeniable talent that is Nakaki. Not only is he one of the most flawless freestylers you’ll ever witness but the young brother got melodies & flows for days on end. On his debut album “Symptoms”, we take a deep dive into his vulnerabilities. Opening up with the “Intro of Confusion”, the smoke & mirrors of this relationship have gotten far too foggy for him to properly tell whether or not this is the relationship for him to be in. Maybe he was feeling it at first but given the circumstances, it seems like he’s pulling his love out of the equation, it just doesn’t feel the same to him anymore. She lied to him so he returns the favor on the follow up track. It’s not like he wants to but she hurt him bad so she can’t be too surprised at him giving her a taste of her own medicine. 

He’s trying his damndest to get over this love & although at times, moving forward can seem easy, there are days where it becomes increasingly harder to take a step if it’s not backwards. He’s cutting off all communication regardless & resisting every urge he may have to answer her questions. “D.A.M.” is the perfect slow burning ode to learning how to move on from what’ll never be, what possibly never was. He can’t fathom how someone could be so “Soulless” when all he ever did was pour his into hers in hopes for them to intertwine but now the both of them are just ghosts in their respective journeys. That love that once was is now “Gone” & at the point of no return at that. We get a brief intermission with him speaking directly to this person on “My Road” & even more so than the records themselves, can we hear the pain & disappointment in his voice. It’s expected after investing your all into someone only to be left with no return on it.

But whatever, it’s his road to walk down so he’s gonna walk down it, sipping his “Green tea” rather than crying over spilled milk. It’s not his problem to be stressing over. He always was stepping right & it’s only gonna continue to more he ventures down this path. He’s back out on these streets, doing what he wants to do, even if it means messing with the shorty he never thought he would. Anything that may be said about him, whoever’s mouth it’s coming from, “You’re Right” about everything. He’s done denying it or even feeling like he has to explain himself to people who aren’t even in his life anymore. He’s aware of the envy growing within his past love, like oh now she “Wants Me” but it’s too late, you fucked that up. I guess “Karma” really is a bitch huh? And he means that in the most respectful way but he’s not completely unempathetic to her circumstances.
