Wynne - Look At You (Single)

Continuing her streak of hot releases, Wynne is back with another bop titled “Look At You,” which is vastly becoming an enticing record throughout social media, with fans from all over gravitating to the witty track. Wynne is in her prime, like Optimus with this record dishing out eccentric verses while showing off her scintillating efforts to be a menace in rhyme books. Ain’t nobody hotter than Wynne right now, so take a listen in to see what the sun would look like if it were in human form.

“Thick Lips, Thick Ass cuz I’m god’s fav”

Look at you, then back at her; you can see why she’s the talk of the town without relying on her ASSists to get here to place her raps can. Wynne isn’t with the fake shit, so don’t come testing her with any of it; she can replace you with your best friend in a snap. Wynne enjoys speaking about why dudes fall effortlessly for her while picking out that she isn’t for the one-night stand talks. She remains x-rated with her rhymes and specifies that she’s still one of the greatest out right now and backs it up with a nonchalant demeanor and a boastful attitude. She’s gleaming throughout the release knowing ain’t nobody can’t knock her off her hustle; she’s so comical with the raps that it gives you a smile and stank face when she uppercuts a punchline to the mix. Wynne is flawless with this joint which only approves her stance of being one of the most elite emcees out right now, not even comparable to only females either; she’s running laps around most of these men right now, so expect to see her wave continue to plummet the remaining competition because she’s here for the long haul with no stopping anytime soon.

Wynne is winning in all fields of life right now, and recognition is being noticed from her hometown to other cities and beyond. It will not be long until she becomes a household name in hip-hop, with plenty of time to see her name in flashing lights. If you aren’t hipped to Wynne yet, you still got time to before she blows up; check out her latest single here while sharing it around on all social media platforms.