Baby Aztro - False Idle (PM) (Album)

Unfortunately, due to the low attention spans of this climate we’re in with streaming, Aztro has decided to release his latest opus in 2 parts, for those who weren’t fortunate enough to purchase the album in it’s entirety, which you can still do if you’re not of the low attention span, just go to his site & hit purchase but for those who wish to just consume what their brains can handle at the moment, allow us to give you a deep dive into the 1st half of “False Idle” with the POST MERIDIEM section. As stated by the man himself, these records here are meant to be enjoyed in the evening & or the nighttime, all tailored to those of us punching the clock.

“Director’s Commentary”

Opening up with some powerful words from the great Chris Rock, just further emphasizing how relevant this body of work is about to be. Aztro releases art on his own accord, he’s not bound by the restrictions of a label & I’m sure he’ll never be. Sure, being an independent is not for everybody, you work way harder to get your work out there but at the end of the day, you have complete autonomy over your narrative. Aztro waxes eloquently with his social & personal commentary, using his next level writing to intertwine the two. The pressures of this life may be weighing heavy on his shoulders but still he carries the track to its destination. His lyricism is so dense that it should be taught in colleges, every last line on this intro packs a meaningful punch but it’s up to us to heed the truth to power he’s speaking here.

“Money Was Necessary” featuring Nawfwest Nyce

Aztro tosses that humility out the window with this number, immediately separating himself from those of a lesser caliber. He’s light years ahead of most with the pen game, as well as musically with these dustily drumless loops, proving that he’s still better than most without having to do all the extra, overly produced shit a lot of artists rely on. He’s not impressed with these rappers who can only wish to be so privileged enough to stand next to him on a record but he’s not preaching about the state of things, rather just poking & prodding at them by simply continuing to be the change that he wishes to see. “So you know I’m getting notes when I am in tune” speaks directly to the title of this record & these so called MC’s can’t even dream of coming up with a double entendre as such. Nawfwest Nyce is one of the very few who can stand toe to toe with Aztro & he does so by simply just speaking to the people, he’s not overly lyrical in order to match Aztro’s style, rather choosing to just be himself & offer a concisely conversational verse that fits perfectly into the theme of this cut.

“Free Will”

The most popular cut thus far off “False Idle”, finds Aztro breaking away from the constraints & acting at his own discretion. He acknowledges that this world we’re living in is a jungle & if we aren’t careful, we too can get fed to the lions. It’s a grimy, greed filled world we’re living in but that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to contribute to it. Aztro chooses to plant seeds into the minds of his people still enslaved by their conditioning in order to help them break away from this patterns that aren’t servicing them, rather adding onto their detriment. His words are silver linings in this gloomy universe we’re forced to maneuver.


The “Starlights” beaming through his sunroof like beacons on this number. He’s faded as can be, searching for some truth in all of this madness. He finds it in the music he digs & goes into debt for in order to create the music we’re hearing now, alongside Bolde.Hu, the same music that boggles the mind & forces our ears to think, that spins our heads til our necks break. On the second verse, he shines light on the fact that we’re so quick to sell our own value for a quick buck but he’s not willing to do the same & will be damned if he sits back & continues to watch others do the same. “The cost of signing deals, profit lost to the art”, it’s all a numbers game, money is the bottom line & as a result, the art suffers. Ever notice how some artists lose that passion they once had for the art once they get that first real big bag? Aztro refuses to do the same, he’s even self aware to know that, as great as he is, he still hasn’t reached his peak.

“The Bijou”

If you weren’t saddened by the closing down of “The Bijou” then this record ain’t for you. This movie of his life is intended for the big screen & he’s forever carving out these screenplays. Even if his film doesn’t crash the box office after investing so much time & money to produce, he’s not concerned with the loss, rather what was gained, even if it was only a few tickets sold, people still came to see it in all it’s glory. The way the instrumentation slows down once the chorus comes in is a beautiful touch to this record.


Inarguably the most gangsta record Aztro has done, we find him taking on the role of a thug, sliding through on his opps. He can’t allow the drama to be swept under the rug & will pull up on his enemies no matter the time of day. Those out with a vengeance could care less when they catch you slipping, as long as they do & he paints that picture ever so vividly on this number. It’s easy to get swooped up in the drama & indoctrinated into that gang life & once you’re in it, it’s like you become numb to what’s required to be part of it. This record may trigger a lot of people who try to shy away from the everyday violence.

“ROI Wishing Well”

You best believe Aztro is getting a return on investment after dumping his hitman’s salary worth of quarters down this wishing well. He puts a lot of time, effort & money into crafting his art for all to praise but just cause the art is exposed, doesn’t always mean you’re gonna get rich off of it, a lot of times, people assume that, once you sign on that dotted line, you gonna get that big check but that’s money you usually have to make back for that label. A lot of us come from the dirt but can’t always soldier our way through this industry, some of us tend to give up after investing so much just to get so little in return but nothing happens overnight & if you just stick with your consistency, you never know what could happen.