Alondra Marie - Things Are Different Now (EP)

Things are most definitely different now. We really got people running around debating whether or not R&B is dead when in actuality, it’s alive more than ever & Alondra’s latest EP is a stark example of that. There is nothing toxic about her R&B, this EP is honestly 6 of some of the most earnest love songs you’ll hear all year so if sincerity is what you’re yearning for, take a deep dive with us into her latest!

“You Belong To Me”

Fantasy is a whole lot better than reality. You ever create those fake scenarios in your head when you find someone you’re infatuated with? Alondra captures this feeling ever so gracefully. She’s self aware to know she’s probably in over her head but if she doesn’t profess her love then she’ll never know whether or not there’s potential for something more with this person. She can see this person is most likely unsatisfied with their current situationship & offers them a chance at a real relationship. She vows to actually cherish their presence in her life, unlike this other person. Luckily for her, the one who didn’t treasure their precious soul, fumbled the ball. However, she very much admires the fact that this person didn’t allow the heartbreak to shatter them, as they very much still have their open. She yearns for them to give her the green light & allow her in so she can show them what real love & appreciation feels like. It’s a nostalgia tinged number that finds her facing the fear of sincerity being as scary as it is but she’s more than willing to take that leap if it means they’ll finally be together.

“For Me” featuring Sncr

Speaking of sincerity, there’s nothing better than synergy on a record as Sncr becomes one with Alondra on this slow burning ballad. This record is pure foreplay, really encapsulating that fervorous passion felt when your partner knows all the right spots to gently touch & send shivers down your spine, making for quite the out of body experience. You don’t get this level of passion from a one night stand, rather from truly being in love with one another. She knows just how to get him going as well & Sncr hitting those high notes with his fiery falsetto is damn near orgasmic. You’re gonna wanna turn the temperature up in the bedroom when this record comes on.

“How Does It Feel”

If you’ve ever truly been in love with someone then you know exactly how it feels to be able to let your guard down around this person. You get little idiosyncrasies that only you’re privileged enough to see & admire. Something as simple as their smile is enough to have you floating in a sea of emotion. Their very existence makes you feel blessed that this person even came into your life & showed you what real love is all about. All she wants is to reciprocate that love & hopefully they feel the same way towards her. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of people who have yet, haven’t or probably never will get to experience this kind of love in their lifetime so a record like this should make those who have been able to experience this, cherish their significant other all the more.

“Under the Moon”

She wants the night they’ve spent together to last forever, though she’s aware that with, standing under the moonlight, forever isn’t a guarantee but who said she couldn’t wish upon a shooting star? She’s longing for another opportunity to be in this person’s presence so they can make that sweet love once more, just to really see if there’s a true connection there. She feels there is after the first night together & refuses to just let that dissipate into the winds. She knows if she can get just one more night alone with them that she can convince them that, this little fling they got going on could & should be a permanent thing. Sex is a very sacred act & records like this really showcase that. She didn’t open up her portcullis to let this individual in her temple for nothing.

“In Love with You”

Why do we always want who we know we can’t have yet we still, at the very least fantasize about attempting to attain them? She admits very subtly that she is indeed jealous of this new girl in the picture. She knows this person doesn’t offer them the same love she could, she can tell deep down, they aren’t really content & is just patiently waiting for the opportunity to swoop in & divert their attention away from this other girl who isn’t really meeting their needs as far as far as she concerned. She’s madly in love & is willing to take that risk in splitting the two so they can then become one, even if just in her mind, the thought of the possibility is enough. Love is all about taking risks & if we don’t take that leap of faith then we may never know what could’ve been, we can only surmise.


It’s only right that we end this EP with a tearjerking, heartstring yanker & snipper with “Begging”. It’s crushing when two people truly love each other but can see that this thing they got going is not working out the way they hoped it would, even worse when one of you isn’t willing to save the relationship, which usually results in one of you desperately pleading to resolve the issues in order to do so. I’m sure we’ve all experienced this to some degree, it can be quite pathetic but love will do it you. That separation anxiety is a real thing & can have you acting so out of character, going too far just to have that person near you, as oxymoronic as that is. We should never have to beg for someone to love us but yet, time & time again, we can find ourselves in this position & it’s not easy to not wanna ask for their forgiveness. Words hurt just as much as actions & we can’t expect that person to just sweep shit under the rug as if it’s nothing, that’s entirely up to them whether or not they wanna let you back in. All we can is just let that person & know that, what’s meant for you, will hopefully eventually find its way back to you & if not, at the very we can commend ourselves for finding the strength to loosen our grasp.