Deezie Brown - 5th Wheel Fairytale (Album)

Hailing from Bastrop, Texas, Deezie Brown delivers us his sophomore effort & boy does it start on an elegant note, like we’re back in that Geto Gala of his, slowly ballroom dancing as we await the God in him to arise with “God Speed”. On this intro, he takes us through his come up, immediately thanking those who raised him into the man he is today, fore they blessed him with not only his musical taste but with his heart of gold. He’s continuing to carry on this familial tradition of determination, the men in his life have always done what they could to be there & he’s blessed to have made it to this point where he can continue the lineage with his own son. He always knew he would do like the men before him & make something out of nothing, it’s just the hand God dealt him. No matter the dirt he’s done, he’s done a lot to absolve himself of his sins & is now seeing more & more blessings come his way as a result.

Those funk influences really shine as he lets his musicality blind on “Jeromeo & Juliet”, a beautiful ode to black love. It’s a gorgeous flip on the Shakespeare classic & showcase just how much of an old soul he truly is. The only man he fears is God & even then, he trusts that God will only bless him with what is necessary to complete his journey on the Proz Taylor assisted number. He brings Proz directly into his world, his palace if you will & both just exemplify that malice on the mic. All black everything is the theme when they in the house & anybody who ain’t with the movement is not allowed. He may now be in the house but he don’t forget the fields he came from, it’s a celebration the fact that he managed to make it to this juncture in his life, even with everything & everyone doing all that’s within their power to hold him & his people back. They’re too resilient to stay maneuvering underground forever, eventually they’ll always reach the surface.

“Reporting Live From The Southern State”, Deezie takes some time to reflect on his southern roots & that twang in his performance on the first segment of this record, only further drives his points home. He’s a product of all these southern legends. He admits his own missteps in life & allows himself to get a little vulnerable on this last half of this cut. He encourages his people to always be honest with themselves cause I’m doing so, then no one can really hold anything over your head. The candy paint is oozing on the dizzying “Brand New Coupe Who Dis?”, a recorded dedicated to the blue collar workers, who consistently dream of being able to afford all the beauty in this whole life, rather than remaining conditioned to the survival tactics they’ve been forced to attain to make it through this hellhole.

He takes it back to that “Grey Cassette Classic”, she’s feeling the music he has to offer as he watches her from a distance, dancing her feelings away, in hopes he can join her, though he’d rather just admire from afar. All these other dudes got her in a drought but he’s looking to “Hydrate” with her, he usually don’t do this kind of stuff but she’s different than all the rest of them so he’s willing to take a chance on this, hopefully it leads to the love he’s been looking for. When she fell from heaven, his prayers were answered but she didn’t stay around for long before she’s called back up there & now leaving him on his knees, pleading for her return. All in all, Deezie’s magnum opus he’s crafted here sounds like Sunday morning, you just don’t get Gospel music like this often, chock full of introspective testimonials & graceful instrumentation throughout.