Sabrina - Problems (Video)

Last week, Vintage Jay hit me up personally to inform me about his new visuals & I literally thought it was for a song of his but no actually, it’s concerning another feather he’s placed in his cap, sitting in the director chair along with Dan2TheL while Sabrina graciously takes control! It’s nice to see the Latin community taking over music again, it’s almost like a resurgence of such, lots of impeccable talent & Sabrina only further emphasizes this. There’s a certain underlying sadness behind these lyrics she’s weaving together here. She like many of us are fighting silent battles within ourselves, yet a lot of people from the outside looking in & even from inside our circumferences could never tell because we damn train ourselves to be experts at hiding it. It’s an unfortunate trait a lot of us possess.

The beauty in that though is, souls as such are kindred so one is bound to notice. Thankfully she has so as to offer us that comfort in our time of need. She’s willing to sacrifice her own happiness to be there for this other person but at some point, something’s gotta give, especially if that person isn’t doing any self work or healing on themselves & simply waiting around for you to do it for them or to hold their hand along the way. It’s even more unfortunate when people turn on you & act like their problems are so much more worse than whatever you may dealing with. A lot of people also can draw correlations between what both parties are dealing with when truthfully, we can never fully relate to one another cause we’re all undergoing our own individual experiences, with our own separate sets of feelings so even if we could walk in each other’s shoes, I doubt we’d be so willing.

The big takeaway from this, especially for the men is that we gotta stop taking out our harsh realities on those closest to us, especially our women, too often do we allow ourselves to get emotional to the point of doing so, much to our, as well as their detriment. There’s only so much one woman can take, she may not be able to solve all your issues for you but she can at least alleviate some of your stress if you allow her to. A good woman can tame any beast by simply being present. We can’t be demanding all this extra, unwarranted shit from them, they never asked for us to be their little pet projects so it’s about we stop projecting our trauma, fears & insecurities onto them & just fucking be here for each other cause we need to be. Beautiful visuals & record overall & I hope it isn’t the last time we hear from Sabrina this year either, this was the perfect introduction for me to her beautiful art!