Prof - Creek Boy (Video)

I for one really enjoy when whites in Hip Hop keep it true to themselves, they don’t try to act black or anything like that & Prof is sticking true to his white trash roots with his second release of the year entitled “Creek Boy”. Prof is a criminally underrated lyricist & the man can also sing the fuck out of a melody. He just knows how to really bring the fun back to Hip Hop without sacrificing his skillset in order to do so. As entertaining as his music videos tend to be, let alone him as a person, none of his goofy like nature takes away from his talents on the mic. He was after all signed to Rhymesayers for a good portion of his career & since his departure from the label, he hasn’t toned things down, not one bit. 

In this brilliantly shot lyric video, he really should’ve added a little bouncing head of his to each lyric, just to add an extra layer of hilarity to this but it’s all good, we appreciate having the lyrics on screen cause we know a lot of his rhymes can easily fly over people’s heads. In these visuals, we see Prof on one of those old school TV’s, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s someone behind it, continuously cranking the darn thing just to get the image as clear as it is. It seems Prof is dealing with a little bad luck, having to push his vehicle towards his destination after it crapped out on him, certainly anybody who owns a vehicle can relate to some capacity & it looks like he’s miles away from where he’s headed anyway. Kinda a visual metaphor for how not in a rush he is to get where he’s going in life.

Prof seems a little fed up & is ready to cut out the deadwood in this performance. He doesn’t have time for anybody who’s not contributing to his life in a meaningful way, hell, they’re lucky he’s even taking the time to address it. He pokes fun at the fact that he doesn’t need to do all the extra shit rappers do to garner some sort of attention, he’s fine out in his little cabin by the woods, away from these societal ills that plague our industry. It’s a motivational, yet subtle banger of an ode to staying true to oneself & not compromising who you are in order to rack up the clout. Prof never did anything for clout, I’m sure the vehicle he’s pushing is some dusty Oldsmobile that he feels more than comfortable riding around in, despite it giving him a hard time. You gonna hear him coming down your block regardless.