Maejoy & Phillip Wolf - You Say You're Sorry (Single)

Records like this really strike certain chords within me cause I can directly correlate the dissimulation of my own failed relationship to it & I believe that’s what they were trying to convey with this record. Two people who clearly still love each other, though they know it’s not working out but yet are still trying to claw their way out of this emotional abyss in order to save a relationship worth saving. Both are affected deeply by this seemingly never ending tug of war between them but every attempt to let go fails miserably, as well as the fact that it’s hard for them to keep their grip without getting burnt severely by simply holding on, though both are beginning to question, what exactly are we doing here? Is the relationship too damaged at this point to keep trying? It seems like it.

What’s the point in an apology if you don’t change your behavior? Too many times has she taken him back after the emotional abuse & by now, she’s caught onto his manipulation. Sure he says he’s sorry but his actions are not aligning with what he’s telling her. But she’s scared to just let it go, especially considering all the history between them but something’s gotta give at some point, she’s only human after all & we can only put up with so much. She hopes that he does understand that she’s given enough chances, even more than she initially thought she had within her, only for him to stay stuck in his ways. There’s a part of her that is still attached however so she keeps reaching out, much to her own disdain cause it doesn’t seem that her messages are getting through to him, no matter how hard her efforts are.

He can’t seem to get her out of his head either, he’s not willing to give up on what they have that easily. He had good intentions, it’s just his decision making has been poor, he never meant nor does he gain any sort of joy knowing that she’s suffering due to his actions towards her. Still he’s trying to make it all up to her, knowing in the back of his mind & her knowing as well, that he’s probably just gonna blow it again, as he always has. These two beautifully & poignantly encapsulated the difficulties we face when it comes to breaking up, especially when you know it’s for the better of everyone involved yet you still don’t want to & in my experience, as well as theirs, it doesn’t really get any easier after the fact, at least not right away, it’s a process & one that eventually, both are gonna have to get around to. It’s all love though between them, despite the pain.