GEE$ - Midnight Marauders (Video)

I’m a simple guy, I see a slight homage of any sorts, I’m immediately clicking & I’m sure GEE$ knew he would attract the Hip Hop heads to his lyricism by titling this record the way he did, in respects to ATCQ, figure out the abbreviation for yourself youngin! The record is as ominous as it gets, with GEE$ waxing eloquently over this daunting atmosphere. Not everybody is capable of rhyming at such an elite level over something that contains no drums whatsoever. And I know a lot of people seem to have a problem with this style but this is still worthy of bumping in the ride, it’s cruise control more than anything. You could even play this when you’re pulling up on somebody & watch them scatter like roaches.

It’s like the reaper came out at night just to play. The streets can be a scary place & GEE$ knows that more than anybody. His father figures were the hustlers he came up admiring so you already know that’s been long embedded into him but you wanna know what I really love? Hooks that contain as many words, that are as lyrical as the verses themselves. Only a great writer can craft a chorus that sounds this elegant & poetic whilst still being memorable & catchy. He doesn’t seem too concerned with all the byproducts of this game, all the antics you see on the socials, I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t even on them like that, he seems to caught up lurking within the shadows of these dark & cold nights, just waiting to pounce.

His syllable play here is just absolutely disgusting & explains why these young dudes don’t wanna heed the many many free jewels his littering all throughout his performance here. It’s just too much for their fragile little brains to comprehend in one sitting. Too many lead balloons flying over the head but they have to pop at some point. There’s just so many bars coming at you, it’s impossible to break them all down here but it’s like every other line, he’s saying some real spill, not a hint of filler within this. For this being my first impression of GEE$, I’m already geeked out to hear more from this spitter & what better for me to start than with his most recent album, “The Luxury Pack”, to which I expect to hear more of this throughout it & no doubt in my mind that I won’t be disappointed.