Dingo Johnson - That's My Gun (feat. BIGBABYGUCCI) (Single)

“Hey, that’s my gun you got there, give it back!”. You gonna have to come pry it out of his grip if you really want it back. Dingo continues to prove why he raps better than most on his 1st drop of the new year. He’s someone who doesn’t waste lines, every bar is gonna hit you in one way or another, be it a crazy metaphor or simple, the wit will remain unmatched as you can’t help but crack a smile at how seamlessly these wild lyrics keep flowing out of him, the man literally referenced UGK & Stone Cold back to back, just to really emphasize how all over the place his mind tends to wander. He also knows how to incorporate imagery into his raps cause you know he’s pulling from real situations. Hilarious to think this bad bitch almost set his gun off but I think he’s gentlemen enough to keep it on safety.

I personally feel like Dingo doesn’t get the love he deserves cause, I don’t know, maybe people don’t take him serious cause they’ve possibly gotten typecast after years of him killing shit consistently. People tend to get like that after a while like “oh, there he goes, why he gotta kill it everytime, why can’t he let the other artist shine?” or whatever horseshit they have to say. It’s cause he’s supposed to kill it everytime you dumb… let me fall back. Personally though, I’m always excited to hear what wittiness Dingo has to offer. He’s as elite as they come & I think it’s about time we start acknowledging that more. I mean, I can’t be the only one losing my mind over schemes like “I’m Doctor Lipshits to a n**** bitch, ima lick lips, kinda looking like LL Cool J”, the alliteration with the L consonant is so fucking lovely & that bar alone murders 99% of rappers out now so imagine the overkill the entire verse, let alone record is.

We can’t not acknowledge BIGBABYGUCCI doing his thing as well. It’s always beautiful hearing two different artists come together to make something beautiful. He doesn’t try to emulate Dingo in any which way & simply chooses to be himself & his auto tuned flow gives the record a bit more of that flare to really make it pop & clearly it got Dingo riled up cause he fed off it with the verse of his that followed up. Mike Made A Hitter remains an essential part of Dingo’s ascent into madness & I hope it stays that way cause they’ve consistently been dropping banger after banger like clockwork, I wouldn’t be surprised if he produced the entire upcoming “I Should Be Famous” album but regardless, he really should be bigger than he is & hopefully this new album at least puts him in the conversation & if not, he can still pride himself in rapping better than literally everybody.