Eastside Fish, Throwed Mind, Reek - Dirty Money (Single)

The Tree Team isn’t letting up on listeners this year so expect the releases to keep coming throughout it. Still relatively fresh off the impeccable work they did on “THREE-PEAT”, Eastside Fish & Reek link once more to further capitalize off their chemistry. At this point, they just need to hit us with an entire album & I’m sure at the rate that they create music, it’s probably already been sitting in the tuck, just waiting to be unleashed upon us. As far as I’m concerned, records like this are just little teases of what’s to come but even these teasers be high quality. Everything about the music they create rings nostalgic, everything from the sound to the cover art, simplistic but still a subtly gorgeous shot.

They seem to have rented out the entire laundromat so they can run their “Dirty Money” through every washer & dryer in this bitch. I’ve never been one to criticize where or how another man is making their money, we’re all just trying to survive. Though Eastside is far from needing to take that route to be successful, he’s still technically ranking in those filthy bills cause he’s been committing so many offenses since fully stepping into his own. He has so much money, it’s gotten overwhelming but he still has more to attain, ask his partner who just got out & is already hitting licks, that easy yet dirty money sounds like quite the rush & it’s all just routine to some cause that’s all they know but it seems Fish is applying those same methods to his music, his music being the dope & him being the pusher.

Reek slides through with some stern messaging for anybody hating or pocket watching, looking to harm & steal what’s rightfully his. It’s not really worth his time nor his concern, it’s not like he’s getting in the way of them getting it so why bother with lower frequencies. He’s not about to be beefing with the next man just cause he may be making more money than him, it’s a shame how that became one of the things people compete over now but Reek would much rather heed the advice of his OG’s & understands it takes money to make money so he ain’t about to be sitting around waiting for something that ain’t waiting for him. The bag ain’t gonna chase itself after all. Throwed Mind’s production on this record really lays it on thick with the playerism, it’s almost cinematic even as I can picture them packaging up this dope to push it to us to flip their profits. Good thing they won’t have to wash this money.