xoDEADHOMIE - They Want Me Dead (Album)

On his second full length under the new moniker, our favorite dead homie is living life to the fullest despite the fact that some people out there may want him dead, for whatever reason that isn’t necessarily his concern to surmise, being that he knows nobody would dare step to him. It would be stupid of them to think that he wouldn’t “Go Stupid!” on them, gleefully eliminating any & all negative energies that may try to stand in his way. The sad part about it all is that, it’s usually the people closest to you who switch up on you & although he’s no stranger to betrayal, none of the times he’s been have sat right with him so don’t expect any future betrayals to yield different results. As always, I appreciate his self awareness about his own struggles. Addiction is no joke & I don’t think turning on people instead of helping them is gonna help them but I also understand that, the individual has to want to change & at the very least, he has that want so that’s a start & one that dead homie stands proudly on.

He’s just been on go, “No Brakes” since bursting onto the scene under the name $inik, who is present all over this album if you ask me. She can try to avoid him but his presence in however long she may have been acquainted with him will always stick with her, whether he’s with or without her. Shylio & GAWF both deliver impressive performances alongside homie. The emotional angst throughout xo’s music is so earnest at times, especially with records like “Bloody Kisses”, who knew toxic relationships could sound so heartfelt? He feeds her lies as she feeds him pills, both too madly in love to stop bringing each other down. This song means a lot to me personally due to my own struggles with pill addiction so I appreciate him continuing to elaborate on these struggles he faces daily, it’s a unique experience that, unless you’ve lived it or at least been around it, you can’t judge. Shylio & MYGIRLPARTS reunite on “Wavy”, a tidally sinuous record that is quickly going onto the Wavez playlist obviously.

Now we get into the nitty gritty of this album, the arrogant & ignorant records, in case anyone forgot where the fuck he comes from & just who he used to be. If he ever felt the need to, he’d bring that kid back out of him in a heartbeat but he don’t want it to have to come to that. There’s a hint of glorification but it’s mostly just him being real & honest with you about his past. He actually lived that life most just rap about & warns that you better have done the same before you even consider stepping to him. You wouldn’t want him to “Black Out” on you cause there’s no telling what his capable of, he’s “Limitless”. xoDEADHOMIE wants “All Tha Smoke” on his second full length effort & he’s exhaling right back to them throughout.