Andrew Kelly - Ragdoll (Album)

Andrew Kelly is tossing bodies every which way on his 6th full length effort “Ragdoll”. Not only is the man a rapper’s rapper but his presence on a track is dominating, as put on emphasis with the introductory epic “Poppy Seed”. Fuze stands firmly behind Kelly, helping set the tone for what is surely to be quite the cinematic experience. Kelly’s syllable play remains impeccable, as does his self reflection so not only is he killing shit but there’s that introspection slid in there as well. Fuze also delivers one of the wittiest bars I’ve heard in a minute, one that might give someone like Dingo Johnson a run for his money. I’ll let the listeners surmise as to which exact bar it is & I’m certain it’ll be caught.

What in the world is this sample on this title track Kelly? That’s another thing we need to discuss when it comes to Kelly. He has such a unique ear for production & once he gets his grubby little paws on an intricate piece, he waxes eloquently over it, finding some of the most interesting pockets to place his rhymes in. It’s so obvious & I don’t know why I didn’t put it together but the reason every project of his sounds different is cause he’s changing with the “Seasons”. On this self reflective number, Andrew is at his most vulnerable yet he sounds so confident in being such an open tome about what his desires & aspirations really are. Not only does he value his craft but he also values the more important things in his personal life, sparing no concern for anybody who doubted his dreams yet demand a dollar now that he’s living out some of them.

Only Kelly would open a record with one of his infamous tweet like comments. If you follow him on Twitter then you’re aware of the occasional wild & witty shit he be saying on there. The man must be stopped but he won’t be so don’t pray for it. According to Kelly, his “Museum Music” was strictly off the top, which I always find impressive cause it’s a skill I have yet to master personally. It just goes to show how long & how much he really does this shit, it’s not even just second nature to him, it’s just who he is. I can’t with these production choices, they’re just so good & the way he’s choosing to approach them, it’s like he’s just running rampant throughout this playground he’s built for himself, bringing along friends like Reed Starks who delivers more methods to this madness on “Stitches and Patches”.

Kelly’s performance on “Pastel Mindset” is the standout on this record for me personally. Everything from the dauntingly subdued production, gothically dismal in its haunting keys to the way Kelly stumbles throughout the corridors of the lonesome castle this record is, staring out windows, secluded from the outside world so as to self reflect. I need to know where in the world he’s getting these samples from, the whole usage of them reminds me of Stoupe’s work with Jedi Mind Tricks & this is like, a more modernist spin on the Enemy of Mankind’s work. Kelly ain’t gonna let up until he, as well as his brothers are able to “Drench” in their own successes & his incessant need to be as prolific as they come ensures that it’s inevitable. Closing out like he’s been closing his projects since “Joy”, he brings out mainstay, his partner in rhyme, Nick Enaigbe to deliver another classic in their ever growing collaborative work. Another one for the books Kelly!