HENNESSY - Time Revealed (EP)

Hailing from Providence, HENNESSY is here to show how time reveals all. She has a lot of wounds to alleviate throughout her debut EP here. Tearjerking R&B intended to yank & snip heartstrings, to shatter glass hearts & then anneal them, slowly but surely. Opening up with “Slime”, she yearns for her lover to be all her own, not waste their time with others but give all the attention to her. Unfortunately, this chase doesn’t seem worth the hassle, especially if they would rather just play these games. On “She Can’t”, she tries to convince this person that their main can’t do what she can for him. No matter how many girls he may run through, they just can’t seem to amount to what she brings to the table. The Scorpio in her will definitely have this man reconsidering his decisions.

The acoustics that lead us into “Nowhere” really start to tug at the right chords within you. She earnestly lets this person know that the path they’re on is just leading them to oblivion. She seems to be the only one emotionally invested in the relationship while they seemingly get away with all the neglect & that’s just not fair. Storm Ford is too grown for these games, she thought they would grow through loving each other but it seems she developed much faster than he did & now, she’d much rather be on her own, at least it’ll actually lead somewhere. Sometimes she wishes they could just switch places so she can experience what he’s feeling. But she knows that’s unlikely. She knows she can’t let him back in, not after all the damage done & she’s not sure she’ll ever be ready to face him again.

It seems she’s trauma bonded though, she just can’t let him go. She thought the space between them would help both of them but they can’t seem to get out of this toxic cycle, this back & forth & really it’s cause she’s too forgiving. She knows this isn’t working so it’s best for them both to cut their losses & move on. As much as they may not understand, it’s what’s best for both parties. It’s gonna hurt either way but at least they won’t both be setting themselves up for further disappointment. Sometimes these relationships can seem like it was “All For Nothing” but they weren’t. They need to be taken as lessons as to what love isn’t, lessons that’ll help us further understand what it is we actually deserve. It can feel like it though during those initial stages of breakup. Love is no easy task but if it’s affecting your mental & emotional health, then it can seem pointless.