Honie Gold - Misty Blue (Single)

Honie Gold has spent her entire life honing in on her many skillsets, be it poetry, songwriting, rhyming, like the elite level MC she is, which if you’re familiar is not a surprise, I mean, just look at the variety of greats she cites as her influences & you’ll see she’s learned from the best to ever grace it, especially in terms of women, who have absolutely been dominating music period, not just Hip Hop & R&B. She has one set goal & that’s to contribute to the culture, as an inspiration for those who may be looking up to her & with her musical output thus far, a hefty catalog if I do say so myself, I’d say she’s ahead of the curb in terms of that.

On her 3rd single this year, she yearns for someone who’s clearly no good for her. It’s funny how we tend to seek comfort in the same people who evoked these tears out of us to begin with. The strings at the beginning are immediately tugging on the ones dangling from her heart as she struggles to move forward from that of which she’d grown so accustomed to. There is a certain sadness that comes with letting go, it’s almost like withdrawing from a drug, it takes a lot of strength to make the simple decision in your mind to leave this person behind. Part of her still yearns for them, scrambling to get a hold of any scraps of affection or even attention she can get from them.

Love has the power to break even the strongest of us down into particles. Her glass heart is shattering ever so slowly as she attempts to gather the shards in order to anneal them before they dissipate into dust. “Misty Blue” is one of those tearjerkers that is so earnest, you can’t help but smile at just how bittersweet it is like, well, I guess that just happened, nothing much to do but let these tears flow, that doesn’t make you weak, it just means your heart is pure, more pure than theirs is, clearly. It’s just funny how much we tell ourselves we’re over somebody who once meant the world to us cause we know deep in our hearts that, it’s simply not true, we could never forget them, we just learn to adjust to our new lives without them.