Angel Cintron - Kissing With Your Eyes Open (EP)

Angel Cintron is back with more of her earnest songwriting & compositions with her latest EP. “Kissing With Your Eyes Open” can have many different interpretations, I personally like to see it as her being privy to the love she’s allowing into her life, as expressed on the opening track “Slide”. Here, Angel is expressing to her partner that, yeah, they both love each other enough to want to make it work but it’s simply never gonna be enough. Maybe there was a certain point in the relationship where she was willing to let some things slide but after being subjected to the other side of her partner for a decent enough interval, she realizes, she’s no longer attracted to that sort of behavior. She can only take so much & by God has she put up with enough of his bullshit. Words are powerful, even if it wasn’t the other person’s intention to hurt their partner, they can still leave imprints on the mind that are hard to shake off. Hopefully if they’re willing to actually work on controlling that part of them, things could be amicable but she’s gonna need to see some action taken before she can even reconsider reconciling the love lost.

You can’t tell her nothing about nothing, Angel is gonna do whatever she so pleases. She’s gonna dance in that mirror & sing her heart out as if nobody is watching her croon out these soliloquies of hers. She’s not gonna sit at home & wallow in whatever unfortunate circumstances she may find herself in, she’s gonna venture further out into the world & make a way for herself. She’s basking in the sunny beams of L.A., partying that pain away with those winds blowing her hair back ever so majestically on the groovy, floor stopping number that is “August”. I’m not gonna lie & act like I’m privy to the significance of that month for her but clearly it’s almost like a restart for her, a chance for her to clear her mind of whatever may be impeding upon her peace.

This lifestyle she leads isn’t for the faint of heart, it can be quite taxing at times but it’s a decision she made & vows to stand firmly in, though she’s aware that some people may not be so understanding of it, especially when it calls for her to be away from home for longer than they may have anticipated. Her schedules getting in the way of her having a chance to spend more time with those she cares about. She’s grateful for the people who do get that she’s out here doing what she loves & wants them to know that she thinks about them always. Even though miles away, she asks them to dance along with her to these tunes she’s making, to rejoice everytime they hear the sound of her voice & know that she’s always with them no matter the distance between them. Closing this intimate little EP of hers with the lead single “wonder”, which finds Angel struggling to get this new love out of her mind. She’s attached at the hip, refusing to let anything intervene with the magic they got going on here, they couldn’t split them up even if they tried, futilely so. Angel only seems to continue to make hearts flutter with her beautiful music, the more she continues to bless listeners with these diary entries of hers & what better note to leave us with then the exchange of those three little words that say so much more than what’s on the surface.

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