AMEA - The Agenda: Love (Album)

The second installment to The Agenda is here & this time around, AMEA is here to showcase her expressions of love. Opening up with these dreamscape-esque atmospheres, the perfect skies to float through emotionally on “We Can Be Friends”. Dedicated to anyone who has ever felt like they need to lower their love in order to be loved. I’m sure a lot of us have felt like we can’t be ourselves in a relationship & in some cases even mirror our partners in hopes that they’ll give us the love we long for in return, only for that mask to eventually slip, leaving them running for the hills. That statement, “we can be friends”, to me, has always been a way to keep someone in your life whom you don’t wish to let go of, who you still would like some sort of connection with but without the emotional responsibility that comes with being in a committed relationship with them. It’s not a good idea, for both parties but she does make it sound good.

Then we bleed into “Muses”, where we find her admitting that she has no more room for them at this point in her life, though part of her still longs for love to find her, something that can take her away from everything she’s doing in order to fill that void, to overcompensate for her needs not being met. She then lets loose her testimonial on “It’s All Right”, where she takes the time to be honest with herself about her own shortcomings in life. It wasn’t easy for her to get to a space where she can be so emotionally mature to point out the missteps of her emotional musical journey. She was so selfishly caught up in her own thoughts, that she couldn’t always appreciate the love that is so clearly surrounding her daily. That’s usually how it be, you just need some time to realize what’s been right in front of you all along. 

Tapping in with Rikki L & Elizabeth Ann to express their love “To The T”, these 3 songbirds call on their counterparts to show them how much they truly love them & if it ain’t to the fullest then what’s the point in pretending it’s enough? On “Faith333”, she’s trying her damndest to not allow her faith in love to falter, though her experiences with it are calling for otherwise. It’s a groovy little number that finds her futilely attempting to party such pain away, not knowing there’s many windows to the soul she can pull blessings out of. Overall, it’s a beautifully executed EP that only further pushes her agenda to love. A collection of 7 of the most emotionally mature love songs you’ll hear all year. Love doesn’t get more intimate than these records.