Grace Sorensen - WHAT I NEVER TOLD YOU (EP)

Why must my glass heart get shattered right off rip with this EP. I thought “Velvet Noise” broke my heart enough but this intro breaks my heart even more, being that I know these are the things my personal past love is feeling & probably wished to say to me but never could bring herself to it. I appreciate how she’s immediately forcing her past love to hold himself accountable for holding her “CAPTIVE” for however long they were acquainted. I’d like to be certain this pain he’s obviously been feeling is how she must be feeling but hers is clearly more so. It pains me to be able to correlate my past mistakes to the ones this person in question has made but music has always evoked the utmost emotion out of me & it’s just really shitty understanding my complicity in it all. I wish women wouldn’t be forced to make records like this to cope with the pain we put them through, cause as gorgeous as they are, you know it aches to write, let alone record & perform. We seriously gotta do better but I digress.

She’s right too, most guys wont like you if they cant be with you, that’s kinda possessive if you ask me. Now he’s having to live with the fact that she’s gone & he can’t really play the victim like I’m sure he once was cause he’s simply not the victim here. I feel ashamed having to confront these past behaviors of mine yet again but it’s a must so I appreciate Grace hitting the nail on the head. However, this, “THIS ISN’T LOVE”, the way he’s clearly been towards her, it’s so unfair to her. Grace was undoubtedly always there for her past partner, as much as she possibly could be but of course, like most men, we don’t appreciate that shit until these women are through feeling like they have to continue putting up with our deceit & manipulation & irrational behaviors. We just can’t seem to get it through our thick skulls how crucial it is that we put forth the proper effort into changing these behaviors of ours but that usually only happens after the fact.

On “BLISSFUL THINKING”, she seems to be moving on from this past love, seeing what other options are out there for her, meeting new people, experiencing new things, not really concerned about what he’s up to anymore, although I’m sure he’s more than curious. Hopefully she meets herself a “PRETTY BOY” who actually knows how to treat her with the love & respect she so deserves & whenever that happens, which it most certainly will at some point, that past love is gonna truly feel that pain that he put her through & boy does that break my fragile little heart. Much love to Grace for putting together this heart shattering debut EP that has once again acted as a reminder for me, personally speaking.