Dirt. - DURTY THOUGHTS (Album)

Dirt. is here to share with us some of those “DÜRTY TRUTHS” I’m sure are no simple task to reveal, there’s a lot of pain & sorrow behind them, as you can feel when your heartstrings are immediately pulled on with “OH FLICKER.”, which I have to ask, being that this is my first introduction to Dirt. in any sort of capacity, is that her singing & playing those tearjerking strings on that record cause she’s slowly shattering my glass heart with her sorrowful lyricism. It’s an intriguing way to begin this record but only makes you wish to venture further, even though you’re almost certain that you won’t be protected emotionally upon delving deeper.

The pain continues to drag on with “LOOSE.” where she struggles to let loose of who is no longer servicing her growth as a person, it’s a difficult thing to do, as further explained on one of the most heart shattering spoken word pieces I’ve ever heard on “LOOSE THOUGHTS.”, it’s not something I wished to hear, especially cause I’m currently going through it but I appreciate getting my heart kicked in it’s ass one more time cause how easily I find myself slipping into those depressive moments. “SPACE.” is important in a relationship & especially after & it’s not a concept I’ve always been able to grasp so easily but I know in my heart, there can’t be “NO MORE WAITING.” around for someone to come back who’s already adamantly made up their mind.

Then come the “SORRY THOUGHTS.” which I’ve had so many & DÜRT is really just entering my psyche with these words, it’s sad how many people are going through the same heartbreak but it’s nice to know we’re not alone in having these thoughts. It’s such a bittersweet thing & it hurts but that’s how we know the healing is working so sure, we can feel “SORRY FOR THE BURDENS.” but we can’t beat ourselves up over them forever. What sucks is that I still do keep her number in my phone but it’s been so long that it’s an “UNKNOWNNO.” at this point. This album here is such a beautifully heartbreaking journey into all the stages of a breakup & I personally can’t wait to finally step “OUTSIDE.” & breathe again, that way I can finally “REGROUP.”. Easily one of the greatest concept albums you’ll ever hear.
