King Khali - Poor Decisions, Good Intentions 2 (Deluxe) (Album)

If you’ve been following Khali then you’re aware of his “Poor Decisions, Good Intentions” series & in what is technically a 3rd installment, we’re here, basking in the glory of the deluxe to the 2nd installment. We get 6 records that add onto the original 6, as if those weren’t already great in & of themselves. Khali opens up these 6 with the same gusto as the original, a true “Tarabully” on “Rob Van Dam” as he body slams his opps into the concrete. Whenever he’s popping his shit off, you’re in for some trouble, if he was robbing people back then that don’t think that kid still don’t exist within him, the ski mask is in the whip at all times.

On “Dear Natasha (Final Goodbye)”, we find Khali coming to terms with the dissolution of a past relationship, though he still has a few things he’d like to address in hopes this person will hear & heed his honesty. Break ups are never easy to deal with, especially when you see them with somebody else, my glass heart cracked a bit upon hearing that & I pray that ain’t gonna the same for me though for experience, Khali may beg to differ but at least that pain makes for beautiful music. On “Free Lunch Freestyle”, we hear a man rapping with the same hunger he had when he was still within poverty, even addressing a legal issue he had with an individual who shall remain nameless, though I’d like to assume I have a good idea as to who it may be, I could be wrong but who cares, it’s none of my damn business but I feel bad for the person he’s being frank with here, I’d much rather take the pistol whipping.

There must be “Something In The Air” that has Khali thinking with such clarity, he’s focused on his self rather than chasing these fleeting concepts like love, showing no concern for anybody who hasn’t gotten with the program by now. It’s funny how when you start making any sort of moves, people be waiting in the wings for yours to be clipped so they can swoop into your position but that’ll never happen to their avail, wing weary or no, Khali still reaches altitudes these people wish they could. Taylay77 offers a powerful chorus here, it’s always great hearing two different artists come together for something beautiful.

On “Streets”, we get that motivational speaking from Khali, he’s one of the greatest orators in terms of that topic cause he comes directly from it. Anybody who may have an issue with rappers speaking on the ills they’ve had to experience cause I know how much the powers that be love to use their lyrics against them, wouldn’t last a single second simply being a bystander, let alone be smack dab in the middle of the chaos like he was. Khali urges his people though that, the streets got about as much love for you as the law does, it’s just the harsh reality of it. Lastly, we end this with another R&B classic flip & it’s one of my favorites too, “Twisted” by Keith Sweat, with Mateo Sun singing the hook? Khali overdid himself with these 6, further proving why he’s one of the best if not the & as of late, I’d say he hasn’t made a single poor decision, especially in terms of his output.