Ladi Earth - Pussy Intuition (Single)

I think it’s excellent how comfortable women are expressing their sexuality, despite what anybody may have to say & I, for one, can’t really wrap my mind around why this topic is so taboo for more people than you’d think. Still, honestly, I only got time for what Ladi Earth has to say on her latest “Pussy Intuition,” a gripping title if I’ve ever seen one. This record here is not for the prude. This record will have you fantasizing about past flings, one-night stands; you get the idea, it’s hot like the thermostat is broke. It has this throwback vibe to it as well; it kinda reminds me of records like “Splash Waterfalls”; this is more Niagara Falls to me.

Anybody capable of using the brain God gave them will understand that pussy indeed runs the world. Imagine having something that everybody wants that automatically gives you the upper hand & especially with the sexual organ metaphors at the end; brilliant & hilarious cause it’s true. He’s the submissive one in the situation, like a neutered little puppy dog shivering in the corner. The whispery flow throughout the record really adds to its sensuality. Still, the content is articulated so gracefully; it’s like she’s letting him down gently; it must feel nice for him not to be the dominant one for once.

That hook is going to send waves crashing through the ladies; it’s provocatively infectious, “back on my pussy shit” just might be my new mantra. We’ve heard many records as such in recent memory, but this might be the best one. This one stands out from the others for me; she has a very soothing tonality that kind of just eases you under her spell. It’s hypnotic; from the breathy vocals to the airy production, you just get lost in the fog & who doesn’t love an Outkast homage? I just absolutely adore these nostalgic feeling records. Still, the lyricism is what I value most with this record, I’ve heard pussy anthems before, but this is the most intellectually elegant.