Unusual Demont - Vanta (Single)

To my understanding, the meaning of the term “Vanta” means to lack, be wrong with, to take issue with someone & that seems to be the case with Unusual Demont’s latest. This record is my 1st introduction to this artist, so off rip, what a record to start with, as I also get to visually see what he’s capable of causing. The song itself begins with some vocals that are a little difficult to decipher, but that’s what I love about it cause it forces you to focus. It kinda reminds me of Frank Ocean & the lines that follow pretty much solidify that notion, “You can’t make someone fall & leap, I’m drowning in your oceans,” one of the most profound lyrics I’ve heard this year; it’s so painfully true.

Once the groove kicks in, Demont goes into detail about his feelings; he knows she’s better off without him in which she found companionship with this other dude. He can’t compare to him in any way, nor is he even trying to cause he knows he’s probably just a rebound but then again, he is perceptive enough to see that he could also be wrong. She’s truly moved on from him; even though he might not have, she caught him off guard with establishing the distance between them. It’s almost comical to him at this point; it just is what it is, it’s a part of life & he seems to acknowledge that he’s moving forward from it when he says lyrics like “if I could look into your eyes, I wouldn’t miss it,” you can feel the adamancy in his delivery.

This record to me is about acceptance, accepting the situation, no matter how heartstring snipping it may be. For what it is, he acknowledges both of their shortcomings in the relationship & is letting her know that he hopes she appreciates all she learned from her experience from him because he has sure as hell learned a lot. The visuals for this record is also an out-of-body experience as he walks into the light & cuts back into the dark or pitch vantablack if you will. To me, it kind of displays the struggle he’s having within himself to accept what is & it’s just nice to see an actual band who’s clearly passionate about the art they’re creating; I just love these kinds of videos cause we hardly ever see them anymore.