Basik - Fire (Album)

Earlier in the year, criminally underrated MC Basik blessed us with “Water”, a collection of spiritually uplifting bangers, chock full of eye opening lyricism & soundscapes & he continues that but on the flip side with “Fire”. Opening up this with “Money & Flames”, Basik whispers about the ills that come with this pursuit of money but vows to continue chasing it rather than things like commitment, though it’s clear where his commitment lies. He’s an artist who clearly wants “All This”, all the fruits that your tree bares after enough hard work, he wants all the byproducts of this music & for the most part so far, has gotten some of it come to him rather than chase it.

I love weed records cause they usually tend to be very melancholy & on “Raw Cone”, its like his spirit is outside of his body guiding him through his trip. The production on this one is very airy, very spacious & he raps in a subtle tonality so as to express how at ease he is mentally after getting that good smoke in his lungs, it’s like all his problems are slowly scattering to the four winds before his very eyes. It’s the “Fuel” he needs to be able to write such spiritual music, this life can tend to beat you down but Basik has always made sure to never let his tank hit E. The production on here continues to make this a very pleasing listening experience thus far, it’s subtleties allow the lyrics to really be heeded.

Basik is gonna keep going so as long as his pockets don’t “Shrink” in the process, it’s therapeutic for him this music, this pursuit of success & unfortunately for those who are waiting patiently for his downfall, he doesn’t angrily chant it, he’s calm as can be, which only lets us know how comfortable he is in his intuitions, he knows they’ll never “Stop Us” so he continues to fill his pockets while they steady picking lint out of theirs. By “Sunrise”, Basik is putting in that work, he ain’t a middle of the day person, he’s up bright & early with his nose immediately to the grindstone & even though a lot of these records are relaxing, he’s not lazy in any which way, his “Fire” only keeps rising & it’s gonna take more than water to put it out.