Orayvia - My Love Language (Album)

I can always appreciate it when some great R&B hits my radar cause it’s definitely a genre that deserves more love & attention. It’s just that personally, not a lot catches my attention, which makes someone like Orayvia a special case. On her debut, her wide arrange of influences absolutely bleed through on these records, but the vulnerability is what I’m gravitating towards, which off rip we get that. I can’t express how much I beg my ex to call me sometimes; I just want to hear her voice. “Ex - Calling” is definitely one of the best records about exes that I’ve heard in recent memory & the timing of it hitting my radar couldn’t have been more perfect & let me just say that, if you can make me cry from the start then we’re already in for more heartstring pullers!

I ask myself the same thing at times, Orayvia; it’s not as easy as some people make it sound to simply move on from somebody. Especially if the connection was as strong as the one she had was, the tears just keep being evoked. I see, but you too will definitely be crying in the whip to this one on loop until your gas tank is on E. The emotion becomes even more momentous on “Best You Ever Had,” a record that I feel really exemplifies how intense heartbreak can be. Loosening up that grasp can make the rope burns seem worth it, but we simply can’t waste our time with those who can’t acknowledge our worth. Isn’t it a shame how sometimes it takes losing that special somebody for you to truly appreciate what they were worth? I know in my case that person was the best I ever had & probably ever will get; who knows? All I know is the tears haven’t stopped.

At least now the tears are more joyous on the live band-backed ballad “Where Did My Soul Go,” our first curveball musically on this record. It’s jam-packed with the utmost soul & if I were to guess, I’d say her soul isn’t as far as it may seem at the moment. The record just has this hopeful sense of hopelessness to it, only further proving how “Love Is So Tragic,” sometimes it ain’t all it’s cracked up to be & our experiences can sometimes prevent us from new ones. That temptation to revert to what ain’t good for us can be hard to handle, but I know I “Can’t” no matter how intense the urge is, but we can be decisive beings, can’t we? We’re more intuitive than we give ourselves credit for, at least enough to know when it’s time to “Let It Go,” but luckily, she garners the strength to persevere “Through It All.” All in all, Orayvia’s “Love Language” is a masterclass that guides us through all the stages of heartbreak in an extraordinarily raw & emotional way that only someone who’s experienced such can convey. A flawless debut album from start to finish; thank you for the tears!