Kendrick Hatake - San Antone to Austin W/Love (Album)

It’s always great when two people from different places can come together for something special & that’s just the case with “San Antone to Austin W/LOVE”, the latest magnum opus & his 3rd full release since bursting into the scene last year, apparently he’s been on a tear ever since so as to why I’m barely hearing him, I can only surmise but I’m glad it came my way cause it has only made me more curious about the two artists in question with Alamo Rogers, who resides here in my city & Hatake who resides in Austin. Hatake’s soulful crooning meshes so seamlessly with Alamo’s swiftly gliding introspective pen, making for the perfect marriage between lyricist & vocalist.

On “Chaos”, the two are trying to enjoy the good that life has to bring but are impatiently waiting for the next shoe to drop, I know I’ve struggled with this for longer than I care to specify, the chaos can become very addicting if you aren’t careful with it. Unfortunately, this has resulted in me losing a significant other so the follow up to this song, “You Were (My Baby)” is a definite tearjerker, it’s extremely sad how we only tend to truly appreciate something or someone until it’s gone & no longer in our sight let alone grasp. It’s a beautiful acoustic little number where Kendrick’s vocal work really bleeds out the most soul, it’s almost painful how beautiful it is.

Sometimes the ones we hold close can wound up becoming strangers in due time & that’s the case on “Ghost”, it’s a shame how fickle people can be but so is life, just gotta charge it to the game & move forward, though it can be easy to fall to your knees & plead for them to give an explanation you’re not really owed, it’s best to not get lost searching for something that’s no longer there. We gotta “Keep On” no matter what & that means keeping on taking care of those dear to Alamo, the love he has for this person is so strong that nothing can seem to ever break it, even when the going gets tough, he continues to be there for you, as well as Amir Omar who adds his own flavor to this subtle bop.

On the solo Hatake cut, Kendrick questions his own existence, wondering “What do I know”, he claims that maybe love isn’t for him & possibly he feels this way due to past hurt that has yet to heal, which is only human, he’s just a hopeless romantic who can’t help but allow a part of him to remain at least a little hopeful, it’s a very poignant number that explores his own fears as a man. On the albums title track, the two come together for another subtle bop that is honestly perfect for the nomadic but it’s how they chose to end this project with “Gravity (Eternity)” that is only lulling me further into their pull, these two came together to speak of nothing but love & evoke the many emotions that the stages of heartbreak can stir up within us.