Eimaral Sol - Care2Much (Single)

After Eimaral Sol absolutely shattered my heart with "Season," then annealed all the scattered pieces back together with "Bless Up." She's back again with two more to alleviate my glass heart with her "Care2Much" double single, this time around, bringing in Jay Wile & Dontaskgen to elaborate further on her seamlessly relatable concepts. This modernist neo-soul is just the medicine I needed coursing through my veins. I know I've fallen victim to caring too much about anything & everything, especially things that are out of my control; maybe that's just the human condition, though.

I find it intriguing how we sometimes feel alone in dealing with a lot of these issues we face, not knowing that others are out there experiencing the same things. Even more so, expressing them in such a way for us to live vicariously through them. It's funny how much we push aside to protect one another's emotions in a relationship, it's clearly not working, but we so badly want it to in the end. We instead wound up forcing it, which is not healthy & after a specific interval of time of playing these back & forth games, something has to give. As painful as it may be, when two people really love each other, coming to a mutual agreement that this isn't working out, maybe we need a break, ain't as complicated as we imagine it would be. I mean it is, I've recently dealt with it, but if you know it's for the betterment of both individuals, we can't allow fear & pride to stand in the way of us deciding the benefit of one another, rather than the detriment.

Eimaral & Dontaskgen together is an acquired "Taste"; this music is for the spiritually inclined, those who have mastered the art of emotional intelligence & I'm thrilled to have gotten a sample of this. Here, both artists are meeting in the middle of both of their respective visions; there's an admiration for one another here that is more than felt. They both are feeling each other & want to spend a little time together, not even just to wind down but to build one another up. Hopefully, it's evident there's a mutual respect there, so they're both just going in for the bite but don't worry, the skin is like molasses. Hence, it's technically not a bite, more like he or she has a little bit of it stuck on their lip & the other is about to wipe it off with their thumb & hopefully lean in for the full experience.