Spaceman Zack - Hangover (Single)

This pop-punk resurgence, man, I love it, I absolutely do & SpaceMan Zack is the latest to take me back through this musical time portal with his single "Hangover." The angst is the best part of this style of music; in my opinion, I loved that whole era of rebellious kids & I'm glad to see they're still around, pumping out this killer music. The genre landing in only the best of hands, it seems lately, with this being the 1st time I've heard of Zack, but I know he's highly praised among the WAVEZ. I must say thank you, Zack, before we get into it cause this just made my inner child burst out of me; I've been feeling like him a lot lately.

When you're under that pressure, it can either make you or break you; some days, you feel one or the other. Especially when you're in that fight or flight mode, you tend to push away the people who are just trying to help you. Yet, sometimes, you just don't need their help nor want it. It can get annoying when feeling that pressure of living up to other people's expectations of you, behaving in a way society deems normal but maybe what's customary to you ain't to them & that's fine. He never needed any advice from a simple and stupid society, so I think they know where they can stick it.

I'm sure many of us are going out of our minds trying to keep it together, but somehow, we still wind up fine. It just doesn't seem like it when you're in it, but at the end of the day, all we really have is ourselves; when we love ourselves & learn to care for ourselves, then we can make those genuine connections with people, but for now, Zack is isolating himself so he can work on it. However, he may never change for anybody but himself, as he should, people really should just worry about their own lives & let others live theirs the way they choose to, we only get one of them, why waste it policing others?