Jazz Regal - 1.5 (EP)

Jazz Regal stays counting up the bills with "1.5"; after all, if you're in a particular tax bracket, this is the kind of music you'd wanna be listening to while you do the same. It's strictly for those with "Expensive Taste," though it's more of an acquired taste if you ask me. Some people tend to be complacent with just getting by, but he's done that already. Today is a new day & he's enjoying the fruits of his labor, but he still keeps his hand on that thang just in case anybody gets any funny ideas. He worked too damn hard to let it all just be taken from him.

When you're living the lifestyle that he's living, it can bring about a lot of animosity & jealousy, but he isn't phased nor focused on that. He's more interested in connecting the dots with those who can relate to what he's speaking on with these records. "Game Recognize Game," as he says cause when he sees others getting it out the mud just like him, he salutes it rather than complain that they're cutting in on his business. Nobody is getting in the way of anybody going out & getting it; he came a long way from the Detroit projects he once resided in to let anything stop him now. Now he's speaking economics with other hustlers & you too could be doing the same. Be another example of the game for him to recognize & acknowledge.

When she hits him up, all he asks is that she waits for him; he's a busy man, always making moves, but if she sends the location; he's going to rush down that interstate to see her cause he's never too busy to link back up with her. Yet, after a specific interval of time, it's back to the grind. He just be spitting that "Fly Shit" at all times, so whenever he comes back around town, everybody is standing in awe. He's basically a celebrity where he comes from, somebody who went out & made a name for himself but never forgot for a second where he came from & brought it back to his people, inspiring them to follow suit.