Brook B. - 2+2≠5 (Single)

It’s a damn shame, isn’t it, how we left our women with so many scars, after once-promising that we would never do such & such then once we get comfortable, we turn around & betray that trust & leave them so damn confused. I’m personally in this same position, so more than anything; it’s like she’s speaking to my kind & it aches me to finally recognize my complicity in the frustration of our women. She’s like that voice in my head that makes me ponder all the unbelievable things that have come out of my mouth in the form of disrespect, but shit like that will happen when you’re dealing with little boys who ain’t in control of their emotions like a real man should be.

Things just ain’t adding up on “2+2≠5”, what did she ever do to deserve such mistreatment? After all, all she’s ever done was put her complete trust in him, supported everything he ever wanted to do, even in sacrifice of her own happiness. So, of course, she’s so befuddled over the shit she’s been hearing him say. It’s like he never acknowledged her efforts & it’s so unfair; you can’t blame her one bit for leaving that message in the beginning. She needs a better understanding of why he would do such things to her; it just stays festering on her brain cause; clearly, he’s too scared to face her. Why you think he’s so avoidant, but she isn’t standing for such cowardly acts.

Things could’ve been so much better than they were, but they just could never come to an agreement on anything. Even the most straightforward, silliest things most likely spun into an argument. After a certain interval of time dealing with that push & pull, that on & off shit, something has to give. It’s something I had to realize the hard way & how pathetic is it that all you can do is feel about the damage you’ve caused, that woman now has to struggle with all your destruction until she can muster up enough energy to build anew. It says a lot about her that her tonality showcases a sort of maturation that she doesn’t wish to inflict that same pain onto him but instead wants him to sit & acknowledge that he ruined something that had the potential of being great. We really have to do better cause records like this are as touching as can be; they shouldn’t have to be made, but women are so much stronger than we are. I guarantee she’s going to bounce back from it all gracefully & faster than any man ever could; I’m sure he’s just putting up a front.