Chloe Jobin - We Could’ve Never Met (EP)

Chloe Jobin is being held hostage on her latest EP, “We Could’ve Never Met,” opening with a hymnal with “No Suprise,” & much to her chagrin, there’s no more you & I, only self. Clearly, she marches to the beat of her drum, “Don’t Say,” you love her if you don’t mean it cause there’s much more to her other than whatever romanticized version of her you keep at the forefront of your mind. She’s calling this person out on their bullshit & really just forcing them to take a hard look in the mirror. She knows who you are cause you’ve laid it all out on the table for her, but none of it lives up to the person she swore she once knew.

What’s impressive is how much the sounds of these records keep changing between styles, just showcasing her versatility & musicality. Calling on Loners Club to make a soft little number that reminds me of the beach makes me wanna consume this sugary extract from a coconut. It almost reminds me of Colbie Caillat’s “Coco” album; they can’t help but be addicted to those special somebodies in their lives; sometimes we ain’t always the best expressing the affection we have for those special people in our lives. Even when that somebody is such a burden, there’s something about them that we sometimes can’t resist; that’s true love right there for you.

I love how on “First Night Alone,” she gives it a double meaning; this person was calm as can be that first night they spent alone together. He was just the person she had been searching for all along. Still, as time passed, he began to show his truest colors & of course, as we all tend to do once we get too comfortable with someone, we ignore all the red flags that keep presenting themselves. Still, a person can only be pushed so far before something gives; breakups can make you lose sight of who you really are but not her. She’s embracing her first night alone; she’s still alive & well, despite all that’s happened between them, people change & they come & go, it is what it is.

Such a subtle acoustic number, like she just wanted to pluck at your heartstrings in the penultimate track to this masterclass of emotion that is this EP. She’s tired of “Running” from the things that really matter in this life; we can’t always have it both ways, but it’s nice to dream. It’s not like she wants to leave it all behind, but in circumstance, she’s running to the “Door” before it closes & leaves the key on the other side. She’s curious to see what lies on the other side, but she grapples with loved ones, maybe not understanding why she has to be gone all the time. She’s just trying to discover herself, figure out this complicated yet beautiful mess that is life; there’s no room for complacency in our own mental prisons. The ropes are going to need to be a lot tighter than that to stop her.