Brooklyn Michelle - Come Here (Single)

Already, we’re starting things under a portentous cloud of ominous mystery with those whispers, clearly representing the voices in her head, but I also heard the place they shot this at is haunted, so that could just be the spirits talking. Being the brave soul that she is, Brooklyn is just casually walking through the hallways, headed towards the room she’s staying in & once she makes it in is when all those personalities of hers start to come out. It’s pretty much impossible to stop them from climbing over the walls & who’s to say who exactly she’s calling on to come over to where she is or if it’s the spirits and not just the ones from the debauchery of the night prior that have led her to where she is at now. She’s just taking this time to regather herself; she remind herself of who she really is & it’s not whoever that was on that night, but as much as she’d like to let go. That part of herself can’t seem to let loose on that grasp; it’s too firm.

It all feels very manic with how all over the place she is, ambidextrous as I say. I mean, I’d imagine being alone with yourself could drive anybody mad, but in her case. She finds an unquestionable comfort in that, that piece she’s rocking on the mattress acting as that shroud of protection from whatever may lie outside of her door, probably a piece from her “Retail Therapy” spree. It’s almost like she wants to let someone in but is intuitive enough to know that nobody will ever know her better than herself. Let alone put up with the madness long enough to strike the gold lying deep in the mountain of it, but she budges once she gets a knock on her door & the bellhop who thinks he’s just delivering flowers gets pulled into this room of revelry. This warped world may have been just thought initially, but eventually, she manifested into reality & once again, it’s the continuation of that evil as they start dancing. She feeds him what I assume is key lime pie; it definitely would make sense due to green here. They even reference Tim Curry’s Pennywise in a prank call to some poor resident, probably the wildest night that employee has ever had.

All of her looks here are great, but it’s those mirror shots that tell me all I need to know, she’s feeling herself & who could blame her. She’s looking damn good; that’s that self-love. She’s not only accepted who she is but has fallen into a romantic situation with herself. At least she can trust that she won’t break her own heart as I’m sure others have in the past, but I don’t know how she didn’t kiss her reflection in those scenes & that facial mask she has on in the tub. You know, once she pulls that off, it’ll be like she’s peeling off another layer of herself. However, I’m kinda glad she didn’t in the video cause it just has this eerie look to it even though it’s literally just self-care; at least we now know why she went shopping solely for that lone cucumber a while back.

I must point out her aesthetically pleasing use of color cause though the song still has that signature melancholic feel a lot of her music has, it’s more upbeat, everything from her lately has actually been a lot more upbeat than what we heard on “Lithium” with the use of purple there really driving home the somber tonality of that record but though she’s still dealing with what that album was based around, she’s transitioning into a much better space that I for one am thrilled to see, therefore the color schemes pop out more & will most likely continue to stand out up until the release of what will undoubtedly be a more colorful sophomore effort, she’s just giving us even more of herself, breaking down whatever walls may have still been there, just as her production here begins to do the same with those triumphant horns, causing those walls to fall flat like those ridiculously large playing cards & as fast as she could easily fall apart, just like that house of cards, is as quickly as she can take those cards she’s been dealt & do anything but use them as an excuse for her to not do shit with them.

Everything from the production, the camera work, those scenes where it’s like the room she’s standing in is spinning are a trip to see & let’s not forget the lyricism. I’d have to do a separate post if I wanted to break down all of what she’s written here; she levels up in all fields whenever she drops but her pen especially & with that insane voice of hers administering the medicine that is her soft yet raw & alleviating vocal inflections, you can’t help but be floored by it, she hits this impeccable note in the song’s climax that just shows you how easily she can stretch out her vocal range, her voice is basically another instrument in the mix, she even references Schoolboy Q & Kanye’s “That Part” is a genius little adlib, what more could you ask for?

Everything about “Come Here” is classic Brooklyn, literally. I was late to the show when she had the original up on her SoundCloud some years back, but she took this classic amongst her day ones & made it even more significant than I’m sure it already was. I would’ve loved to have had the privilege of hearing that rendition, but this will do just fine. It’s a complete change of pace from the delightfully giddy pop that was “Retail Therapy,” this record here is almost like some schizophrenic jazz. The production is doing all kinds of twists & twirls; it’s like a sad circus, no excuse me, a sexy circus, as she corrected me. She’s the ringleader of it all, her reign only growing more & more as she continues to guide us deeper into the further of her mind, cascading down on parades like pitchforks.

She spent a good while meticulously crafting yet another masterpiece & it more than pays off here. She shows no signs of letting up any given day & now, especially with her own production company to add to her resume. We’re going to get to see more of her director side, hopefully for other artists as well, cause if she can do what she’s done here with her own art. Imagine how careful she’d be with somebody else’s, so I’d tap into Waffledog Productions if I were an artist looking to bring my record(s) even more to life. If you haven’t tapped into this impeccable artist, now would be a good time to do so cause she’s about skyrocket into even bigger atmospheres. Hence, until next time, put on your best pink or green gear, follow her to wherever her lulling voice may lead you & stay there.