Pat Ron & Coach Tev - Shut Up & Rap (EP)

It's a breakfast for champions every day when Pat Ron & Coach Tev say fuck it, let's just "Shut up & Rap." Both of these emcees have steadily been putting in work, swish after swish & they got six more: together at that. It's always beautiful to see these two connect for something beautiful; in their case, they are very vague about their game plan not to let the competition get any bright ideas. Instead, they double-cross the double-crossers so effortlessly, their ankles are left dangling off a thread of skin. If Pat is the player, then Tev is the coach, giving him more motivation to carefully execute.

"When In Rome," Tev & Ron are dressed in regalia, refusing to let their portcullises open & any shots people may try to throw fly so far past over the palisade. They really do this & will not let anybody get in the way of that; they got no time for the chit-chat, just "Shut up & Rap" if you really about it as you claim. The rhymes are elegant as ever on "Bonnie" as he takes on the role of Clyde noticing her for the 1st time. The eerie yet atmospheric tones really exemplify how easily they can lull you in as they tiptoe & damn near whisper over this piece.

They express their gratitude and disdain for those we allow to be participants in this game. He's not hating, just telling it like it is, that Jerry Seinfeld line stung on "Mercí," leaving our minds traveling as the wind blows. His lyricism is very straightforward & with production like this, it causes you to focus & meditate on what's being spoken. A lot of truth littered throughout the project; this is that "Red Table Talk" & to be candid, these detractors need a little lecture & they need to heed it as well if they even wish to hold a candle to these two.