Whookilledkenny feat Pell - Traffic (Single)

Who knew being stuck in “Traffic” could feel this good? I mean, they’re not stuck in traffic, they just keep hitting them green lights straight to fruits of their labor waiting for them at their destination, but they aren’t the least bit complacent. All they know is how to zip past you gracefully but at the speed of light, exuding that kinetic energy, just gotta keep it moving; they clearly worked too hard to turn back now; if they turn back now, it’s going to be longer to get back to where they were before the success than it is to garner more.

They want it all & they need it all. Both Kenny & Pell aren’t taking it with brute force or anything like that; they’re just staying focused on their work, knowing well in their hearts & by the grace of God that there going to get everything they could’ve ever asked for or dreamt of cause they deserve it. They aren’t breezing through life, but rather, life is a breeze now that they’ve made it through whatever storms they might’ve been facing prior, nothing like a good cruise to bask in the glory that these two are feeling.

Between this single & “Finna Charge,” I’m very excited to see what Whookilledkenny comes with next. He’s leading us towards something special & we even get a Chopped Not Slopped remix by OG Ron C to go along with the record. Whoo is a very promising talent who’s been dropping great single after great single since 2018’s “Trap House,” only further improving upon his smooth & swanky style with each drop. I advise you to go back & run the streams up on all those singles in preparation for what he has coming next!