D2x - The Color Blue (Album)

This is how you open a debut and the official debut for me because this is the first I've heard of D2x, instantly impressed once those triumphant horns sound off in the background. He's lounging, basking in his glow, one finger pointed towards the sky, admiring its "Hue," this is like the afterglow. It's morning, noon & night with this guy; he's ever so grateful for this shift in his life, shedding his past self right before our very eyes. He just has to give it up to the Lord above; his maturity & swagger make his bravado as he swiftly delivers these flows with such gusto, that much more poignant.

This album is working man music, whether it's the tediousness of your day job or the mundanity of how life can sometimes seem in general. We still got a long way to go; it seems easier to regress, he knows, but that light is coming in ever so lambent, like a beacon of light in the mist. Your time to "Shine" is coming; you trust have to trust it, it's still a tedious process, but the end result is just around the corner. It's all just a "Day Job" at the end of the day; it's different when you got love for it though, the confidence in his flows & the introspection in his lyrics is so empowering. He's not complacent the least bit, but he's grateful for what he has & you should be too.

Even before this whole lockdown, he had "Been Away," looking for himself, rewiring his mental fore he wasn't going to come back from going AWOL the same way he was before. He didn't want his people to see him like that anymore; he's been out carving out a better future for not only himself but them as well. It's all coming to fruition, slowly but surely; just take a breather every now & then; that's what the "Interlude" is for. With its coastal ambiance washing its way onto the shores after taking their "Adult Swim," littered with excellent references to the network & just an overall celebration of life, swishing all of those "Hoop Dreams."

All we gotta do is "Pray," it's still a war zone out here, so he makes sure to keep his guard up, especially now that the day is dying down, he just prays not only him but everyone makes it home safe to their families or loved ones. Hold your people close while constricting them cause another day is never guaranteed, but he'll be damned if he stands back & goes out without giving it all he's got if that's what it takes. He made it another day; that should be enough never to lose faith, no matter what comes your way. Just look up; it's "In The Sun," even if you fall like Icarus, your wings won't be weary for long. "It Was Written" in stone that those cast at you would eventually build the foundation for you to stand proudly on, it takes patience, just give it "Time" & in due, this shall prove to stand the test of it.