Shilxh - Wildflower (Single)

I swear, I can't express how much I love when artists keep throwing me curveballs cause from Shilxh's last single, which I can't seem to let loose on the grasp of, she may have just given me some new attachment issues to deal with in her life. Her latest single, titled "Wildflower," is a groovy little indie-pop number & a complete change of direction with sound & style, just in time for spring too. The April showers are about to bring in the May flowers as she blooms on this new single; these are petals you can't pluck & leave behind while butterflies flutter across your chest throughout.

As we grow, we change & with change; it can sometimes mean that you'll have to leave some people behind & unfortunately, she's the one who's fallen victim to this. Still, she's pleading for a helping hand to be lent out, extended like an olive branch, look at things through rose-colored glasses at least for this moment in time. Let whatever thorns that are stuck in your sides splinter for a little longer, bring her warmth rather than inclemency; it's not the season for it, let hope spring eternal for just this day.

Shilxh's songwriting is so poignant on this record, the way she paints the scenery with such swift imagery with the metaphors she's carving out like their names on a lone tree. Records like this will prove timelessness in due time due to how easily relatable it is; I'm sure anybody can draw a correlation to this, I surely can. Letting go can be scary. However, we have to trust the growth process but still keep that glimmer of hope in our eyes, keep the flower of our youth dead center in our retina; it's still a while before we reach the sunset of our lives.