Pack Static - In Stone (Single)

It's been a long time coming for the Pack that is indeed Static. These gentlemen have been putting in work for too many years to count & even more to continue counting in due time. In the meanwhile, they're going to keep flooding the market with these easily digestible & great records they seem to drop so seamlessly. On the collective's latest record, "In Stone," they here to let you know that their respective destinies, as well as a whole for their entity, have been etched in it for longer than they'd care to specify.

It's great to hear Big Texas so effortlessly fit in with this group of spitters; I'm a little used to his hard knocking sound, but on here, he's just swiftly slicing competitors left & right. The hook from King Kay is so triumphant, Grant then comes through with a bit of social commentary and personal; these times have been rough. Still, it's nothing that they can't iron out; L.T. sounds the smoothest on here, his monotone flow as he just breezes through the motions, his relaxed persona was perfect for keeping last & he still rips it.

This moment for them as a collective was like when Link pulled out the Master Sword inside the Temple of Time; even when they're giving out sage advice, they still take casualties in the process. It's a friendly competition between them, and steel sharpens steel, their pens only mightier than the swords they yielding as their flows cut through the soulfully subdued production. Pack Month has been an exciting one & I got a feeling that it will extend into a Pack Year at the rate they keep going at right now. They remain cuts above the others, with seven years of static & more lightning to come.