AQ - Bubble Boi (Single)

The last time we heard from San Antonio's enigmatic AQ was on last year's single "Bonus," which found him laying out his respective truth with a swaggering dedication to take what's rightfully his. That spot on the top is looking like a beacon of light in the mist & on "Bubble Boi," he's embracing his introverted self. It's this type of authenticity that will have him hitting his peak in no time, but the tip of it isn't sharp enough to pop him out of his bubble; he's going to get there. Still, he's keeping to himself until he does.

AQ is here to pop your bubble with his blow-by-blow accounting of how his drive & ambition just zip right by you; hoisting his sail for the wind is now fair enough to do so. Success has never been more close as he speeds his way towards it like a torpedo in the water, it's like something is simmering just beneath the surface, right under the floor of the ocean & it comes bursting out like a volcanic eruption. Enough of a blast to obliterate Atlantis; you just can't touch him, so I'd be cautious with that needle your clutching & tread lightly on a few of them instead.

This guy is so much cooler than Bubble Buddy when he's embracing his inner Jimmy Livingston. His flow, charisma & ear for great production makes me wish I had no immune system to have an excuse to live life in a bubble. It's been a long time coming for him; many trials & tribulations have led to him putting up this barrier around himself. Heat like this will make your speakers spume when his flow effervesces, spawned from the array of emotions seething within him, but he'd instead be closed off from the bullshit & continue getting it, pandemic or no.