Jae Tips - Savior 2 (Album)

When he isn't a connoisseur of the kicks, he's kicking dope rhymes & tales from his soul. The Bronx is known to bred spitters, but Jae Tips has been putting in work for quite some time now, so after hearing his first release since 2019's "The Savior," which is the sequel to it, then you can go back & study the archive. He stands his ground as he's spitting his truth sprinkled with game from experience; you can tell he's very much about teaching the youth how to stand tall in the face of any & all adversity. They may try to ban you from places, Portland for him, but he isn't going to let that stop him & nor should you. This is too tumultuous a time to give up; just "Remember Who Fronted" on your way up cause they'll somehow find their way back around, attempting to bring you back down again.

He bars out on the subdued banger "Top Two," not even top five; that's too easy, he's top two, but we know he's being humble. He knows damn well he's number one, as any rapper should feel; this is a competitive thing this Hip Hop, it's blood sport & Jae is slicing ankles, but what I love are these painful truths he's sharing while in "The Delancey". It's supposed to be a celebration, but there's still real life he has to deal with now. You can hear the pain & regrets in his voice; he's grateful that he's no longer down bad, but this price he's had to pay doesn't seem to be worth it though it's too late to turn around now, so he just keeps going but know that shit is real, it's beyond what you see.

He's very unappreciative if you take his love for granted; he's not going to stick around & let you continuously do him wrong; little did he know his angel was really a "Devil in Dior." Still, it's "Expensive Habits" he's now indulging in, hesitant to let his emotions get a hold of him with someone new due to his "Trust Issues," but eventually, all this led to him learning "Self Love". He's working on himself now & that's what we love to see; this will attract the right woman into his arms. Still, until then, he ain't letting nothing stop his focus; he shall have no "Mercy" over detractors trying to conjure back up his self-hate. The sun beaming off his "Gold Teeth" will blind you before you even see him coming; his path is simply a "Road Less Traveled," & you wouldn't survive one step on it. He's going to continue working for his; you can continue to do whatever it is you do, whatever it is; it's of none of his concern that "Global Warming" should be of such for you, though.