PaintItBlues - Despicable, Disposable (Video)

Paintitblues back with his first drop of the year & it’s honestly his most poignant yet. I have a deep affinity for artists who let us into their real life, flesh out even the rawest of emotions cause it lets listeners know that artists are regular people too, who go through similar motions. Many people will hear a record like “Despicable, Disposable” & draw correlations from his life to theirs or even remove some motivation from it cause even through the hardships he’s laid out here, which is a lot for one person to endure. He still pushed himself forward & up out of that hole of a rut he was in, all by his loneliness.

He starts off the visuals with a disclaimer, apologizing in advance for anyone who may be hurt by what he’s saying & who he’s addressing. It’s his truth, but sometimes your truth involves other people & they may not want that information out there like that. It could have ripple effects for them as well, but at the end of the day, it’s his right, not just as a creative but a human being, to speak his truth in as therapeutic as his music can be. When he pulls up that chair, you know he’s about to bare his heart & soul; it’s heartbreaking from the jump & you can see it in his eyes, though, with that tattoo on his face, he’ll be able to navigate the rough waters rather than drowning in his tears.

I’ve always admired the way Blues sets up & delivers his lines; I’ve never heard anything quite like it, so to have him do that here as well as bring us into his world is so appreciated, even when he’s wearing his heart on his sleeve. He still manages to strike a chord with his rhymes; he’s still learning a lot about life & himself along this emotional musical journey. He has many fruits from his labor thus far but somehow still feels lonely though he vows to make the best of it. He’s been prioritizing his mental health, which is always good to see & I hope he continues to annealing his glass heart through these shattering soundscapes.