Paris Texas - Situations (Single)

With only two songs out thus far, Paris Texas, already have my undivided attention. They already had me intrigued with their name, I don't know if it's an homage to the film of the same name, but I love it regardless & let me just say that their sound with these two tracks is very interesting. It's clearly leading up to a debut album or EP based on the cover art, which is also very intriguing; they knew they had something special with these two records, so they made damn sure to grab your eyes right off the bat. I'm so glad "Heavy Metal" is included with this single, just so people can hear the difference in sound; they both got this groove to them, though, even though the brash strings, like they're strumming barbed wire.

"SITUATIONS" is every bit a peculiar as its predecessor; it's like the anxiety is pumping through your veins, the walls closing in around you, panicking, asking yourself how you wound up here in the first place. Maybe you made some decisions that didn't seem so big at the time, but they led you to this path; you're now on it, you may think about getting off of it, but eventually, you'll find yourself back on it, like a vagabond. It's stressful, but they ask that you please just keep your patience. It's the only thing left we have to grasp on, don't wait to take control, do it now cause time is not infinite.

Just as you'd expect with left-of-field music as such, the visuals as well are so avant-garde, but again, that's what grabs your attention. They open it up like one of the old-school music videos you'd see on like MTV or something, beautiful touch; at first, it seems real, but it's actually a video game. I wonder how they did this, but it's brilliant to see this video game format again & just as the song entails; that's what's represented here in the video. It wastes no time, just going full speed ahead & it's going to be a head-on collision when it finally comes together in the form of an album. It's something all the crash test dummies can appreciate; it's going to be a mindfuck of musicality; I can already feel it!