King Kay - Watch Me (Single)

Pack Month isn’t over yet, baby & it’s a damn shame if you thought the noise these guys have been making was going to stop anytime soon. Their fierce leader King Kay is back & more potent than ever; barring out on a club banger is a fitting way to burst back onto the scene to inform listeners of all he’s done up to this point & what he’s about to do. This single is only a glimpse, yet, it proves that, in terms of skill, Kay is in his prime, light years ahead of anyone wishing to spar against a tyrant like him.

Kay is flexing like no other on this one, as he should cause he’s been pushing his pen for so long, sounding more polished than ever; like SB-129, he’s firing from all cylinders of the chrome he’s packing. These are the type of flows that’ll make stars explode & meteors collide; he’s playing pool with the planets when he’s pushing his pen. Pushing the envelope, that is, just a little ol’ star going to war with these clones broadcasting the whole showdown live from an uninhabited planet.

We’ve had plenty of Pack to hold us over & Kay has just been flaming his verse so far, so we can only hope that this is the 1st of many singles to prepare us for the ticking time bomb soon to detonate that is his upcoming album. I have a strong feeling it’ll fall in line with his previous albums, so be sure to catch up on those before this album inevitably sees the light of day to watch him & The Pack do what they do best. Catching lightning in so many bottles, then dropping them down to earth from whatever unknown planet they reside on, then shatter to the ground & cause an even more significant power outage than the one we witnessed recently. It’s sensory overload & I, for one, am all here for it!