K Shiday - Trackstar Freestyle (Video)

After teasing an upcoming visual the last few days with the anticipation growing by each hour, San Antonio native K Shiday released the video to her "Trackstar Freestyle" with BeeHind The Scenes on this directorial work. It's shot in a bubble bath that has K Shiday venting her troubles and past mistakes with a barrage of raps where she's stating nothing will hold her down anymore. She's gunning for the opps, and her time in the spotlight will remain to brighten no matter what male or female attempts to block out her shine.

I'm glad to see K Shiday remaining hungry behind her raps; lately, people have had her name in their mouth with ill intent behind it, but she's here to have them swallow all that bickering and hating to recognize her place in the position she made for herself. Why should she have to be the bigger person when she's been real from the jump? People see you doing big things and want to see the worst happen to you since it's not happening for them. The world is crooked and cold, but K Shiday is heating the block with powerful imagery lines to showcase her come-up and lifestyle; she even speaks on the love in her life. She's feeling on someone special; she shares the intimate moments in the relationship and wants to cherish it all without letting anything affect it anyway. Continuing to put her all out in such a nonchalant demeanor is what keeps K Shiday a 1 of 1 personality. She's respected and fights for hers when necessary, and when she needs to, she can let the drum start signing with her rhymes on precision for anyone's head top disrespecting the queen. K Shiday does wonders with the visual by showing off a little more than before, which means she's on an empowerment level that no one is fucking with right now. She's deadly with her raps and looking good at the same time, be cautious about getting close, or you could be leaving without limbs fucking with a real one.

I'm glad to see K Shiday in a comfortable element on this release, and I'm hoping to see much more follow because she's on a journey to keep the haters hating and the money flowing. She abides by honor and truth, which you'll get both of when her music starts going off. Best believe this will be on torsion for the weekend, and we hope you all follow suit by doing the same and make sure to share it around on all social media avenues.