KP Tha Profit - 80’s (Single)

KP Tha Profit has been that dude for a while, so who in their right mind would ever even think that he’s capable of being swapped out and just going to stand around & allow detractors to build him up then tear him down & treat him like a fodder? He’s irreplaceable irrespective of what you think you know about him. You know those people who think they can sum you up within minutes of meeting you, “you know what your problem is,” no, what your problem is, is that powder you keep putting up your nose is getting to your head knowing damn well that’s all you got going for you. KP got no time for that; he’s out here giving out free game, so get off your ass, go out & get it while heeding his lessons.

Veno’s production here is the perfect mixture of fiery guitar rifts & trap soul. It meshes so well, allowing KP’s conversational flow to bleed over it. It’s a perfect combination cause it only amplifies the passion behind his pen; the emotion comes spilling out like an artesian even though nothing watered down about him. He wears his heart on his sleeve cause it’s safer there, spending this time to let anyone who’s listening know that he too wasn’t living up to his full potential, partly due to his own negligence & partly due to the cards he was simply dealt but instead of complaining about them, he put them to good use & flipped his whole situation on his head. It took a lot of blood, sweat & tears, but he did that & so can you, no excuse.

He comes through so vengeful on this track, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, headed straight for the sun like Icarus. He’s aware he’s no mortal being, but his courageousness in the face of adversity makes him feel immortal. His words singing the beat, as well as your own heartstrings with every hit of those rifts, his words immolating any effigy of himself that lives in an opposers mind, he’s firing on all cylinders with “80’s” & despite my sinuses, this dope was cooked up marvelously, come get you a line.