Renni Rucci - Can’t Be (Single)

The women keep taking over & if you still got a problem with it, emphasis on the still. It's fine because Renni Rucci "Can't Be" who you expect her to be anyway, she's going to do whatever she wants & be however she wants, dress, talk, etc. cause it's her life & not yours. She isn't even interested in settling for less than mediocre at this point; she's too busy living the dream, putting in that work & basking in the morning glory cause this sounds like a Sunday morning!

It's like she thought to herself, how can I start the year for me? Why not with a little more positivity & self-empowerment. I, for one, admire how the ladies are putting their foot down more & more. They are done taking any & all bad energy that may always seem to find its way towards her. She just so far removed from that negativity, loose lips sink ships, beautiful Kimya Dawson reference, keep moving your mouth & things can get ugly, but we don't want any of that now, do we?

I always have to point out my affinity for alliteration; I love the name Renni Rucci; it just screams powerful. She isn't trying to be anybody's property or side piece, any of that shit; her time is money & she's too basking in how effortlessly she's raking that dough out of that fountain she's glowing inside of. This release feels so refreshing to hear, like a cool Spring evening, summer inching closer & closer & it'd be a shame if this isn't on loop, put it in a playlist, and it'll create a splash!