Lacey Jackson - I Be (Single)

I love that indie is the way to go these days; owning everything & Lacey Jackson is no exception. Not only is he a masterful teacher with his lyricism, but he has the flow to make it stand out even more than it already does. His latest "I Be" is another marvelous example of that, rather than complaining about the cards you're dealt. Are you going to waste away your potential & using that as an excuse for you not to do anything with them? Lacey surely isn't wasting a second of his precious time.

Self-empowerment is critical & Lacey's enthusiasm in his impeccable skill set is showing off to epic proportions. You have to stand in awe & heed the game he's giving out & for free at that. He's speaking solely from his experience on earth & it's always important to gain a different perspective other than your own. You never know what you can gain from it & how you can draw those correlations or how you can apply them to your life.

Lacey Jackson seems to be ready to take on the new year, standing tall in the face of any & all adversity that is to come his way. It's expected; what's life if it's just easy peasy for us to breeze through gleefully. The going seems always to get tough, but we embrace the pain & in doing so, we may still have a lot of negatives. Nonetheless, our positives are merely just going to have to outweigh them. A beautiful message to leave listeners walking away with as they anticipate even more gems from Lacey as he's delivering his album" Forever Loading" track by track, with the next one coming shortly.