Vintage Jay - When Thugs Cry (Album)

"When Thugs Cry," that shit is felt cause when you think of the term thug, you automatically associate it with this overbearing sense of machismo & don't get it twisted; Vintage Jay is very much about that life, or at least he used to be & is just trying to get out. It's clearly not worth it at the end of the day, always having to look over his shoulder, watching his people drop like flies, some of which have fuck all to do with the life he was leading, just merely collateral. He's just hoping a guardian angel will "Lead" the way out of this before the lead does it for him.

The hustle just doesn't ever stop, indo blowing out the "Window" as he reflects on the pain his people are undergoing. The vocal changes showcase this sort of battle he's having within himself, dealing just so his family can have power in the house & food on the table but knowing the price comes in life. He's just trying to be a better example for them, so hopefully, they too won't have to endure the things or do the things that he's had to face to give them a better life. He's submerged in the "Rain"; that way, they can bask in the sunshine long after he's gone.

He ain't with those faking the funk on "Blood VVS," he really did the things these people claim they've done. They know nothing about "Struggle," so don't try to school him on that; he lived it; you may think you are. Still, you're "Not Helping," you ain't the one who's been dealt the cards he's been dealt, so who are you to tell him what to do with them. He can "Read You" like an open tome, there's no need to hide beneath that thin veneer, he indeed isn't fore he has offered an album that is so vulnerable, you can't help but respect it & wish him even more success, take it from him, that tough guy act can only take you so far.